I am a 7th generation mushroom hunter. My father started teaching me when I was very young. I fondly remember every time we came across and Aminita my sister and I would jump and stomp on them with both feet and shout “Aminita!” We were the destroying angels.
My father and I are both members of “M.A.W. (The Mycological Association of Washington) where we can get help with identification of mushrooms we are unsure of. They also have a lot of informative lectures from leaders in the field of mycology. I highly recommend anyone interested in mushrooms, no matter their skill level, to join their local group.

My education focused on fine art and my creativity led me to make booze. I brewed beer for Baying Hound Aleworks for a stint and then worked at Twin Valley Distillers for a while. At Baying Hound I had the opportunity to hone my homebrewing skills and work on some different systems doing some collaboration brews. At Twin Valley, I learned what defines different spirits, how to brew different washes and distill them.