Comb Tooth (Hericium Ramosum) I think its sometimes called Coral Tooth Fungus.Lycoperdon perlatum (Common Puffball)
A prize find, I don’t often come across Combed Tooth mushroom, but I did. It was nice and clean and very delicious. I also came across a couple puffballs too. All and all, I didn’t find a whole lot this time but I did find enough for a good breakfast Saturday morning before heading off to the 10th annual Takoma Park Nucular Free Beer Festival.
I was hoping to find a chicken of the wood, but this will do. Chanterelles for me have always been hit or miss, but after a week of rain the conditions were just right. We have had a few cool days but it definitely feels as it is, late summer rather than early fall. I didn’t weigh my haul, but it was enough to have a huge meal with my girlfriend and have plenty to share with friends.
I went out today looking for those elusive morels. Everyone from the shroom club says they are late this year. I have found only two so far and were already getting into some 90 degrees feels-like weather. I was hoping to find a good haul before writing a post about morels, but I may have to make do with the photos from past years.
Wood Ear MushroomFalse Turkey Tails
All was not a total loss today I found some wood ear, although not enough to bother picking. I also saw some false turkey tails, also not worth my time. Last but not least, I found some dryads saddle. I usually don’t bother picking it. It cuts easy enough but chews like eating a leather belt. Some people claim that eating the tips when they are young is ok, but I never had any luck. I have heard of people making a mushroom stock out of it so I thought I would give it a try and make a soup. If its a success I’ll post about it.